Boxeur Des Rues® brand in the Streetwear world, has a transversal audience with a large collection of casual products designed for men, women and kids: from jeans to jackets, from sweatshirts to shoes, from t-shirts to swimsuits.
Boxeur Des Rues® focuses its research on the sport-fashion combination, aiming at the creation of products that can interface both with the "sportswear" sector and with the "streetwear" sector, and therefore reconciling the passion for sport and for fitness to attention to new trends and stylistic details.
Boxeur Des Rues® focuses its research on the sport-fashion combination, aiming at the creation of products that can interface both with the "sportswear" sector and with the "streetwear" sector, and therefore reconciling the passion for sport and for fitness to attention to new trends and stylistic details.

This store is part of Club LifeStylers